Taxi fares to London can vary depending on where you are travelling from, the distance you are traveling and the time of day. The base fare for a taxi journey in London is £2.60 for the first mile and £2 for each additional mile. An additional £1 will be added to the fare for any additional passengers.

In addition to the base fare, there are also a number of additional charges that can be added to the fare. These include a night supplement of £1.50, a peak time supplement of £2.50 and a waiting time charge of £22.50 per hour. The waiting time charge applies if you are stuck in traffic or if the driver has to wait for you.

It is important to note that the total fare for a journey will depend on the distance traveled and the amount of time taken. For example, if you are traveling from Heathrow Airport to central London, the fare could be around £40 to £50 depending on the time of day and amount of traffic.

If you are traveling from outside London, then you will also need to factor in the cost of the congestion charge for vehicles traveling within the Congestion Charge Zone. This is currently £11.50 and is payable in cash or by card.

If you are planning to take a taxi to London, then it is important to plan ahead and research the different fares and charges that are applicable. Many taxi companies offer online booking services which can help you to calculate the fare before you travel. Additionally, if you are traveling during peak times, then it is a good idea to book in advance to avoid any delays.Overall, taxi fares to London can vary greatly depending on where you are traveling from and the time of day. It is important to plan ahead and research the different fares and charges that are applicable in order to get the best deal. Additionally, if you are traveling during peak times, it may be worthwhile booking in advance to avoid any delays.